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Topic review (newest first)
This is just what I needed.
I use Joiku as Wireless Connection Provider from my Nokia N8 (with Belle O.S.) and it does not allow BitTorrent or uTorrent or any of the regular torrent desktop downloaders... but this is the answer, all of this software users should try this.
Thanks a lot.
Dear all,
I have used version 1.0 perfectlly. It is really great, because my notebook is locked by an administrator and I can not install any program without a password. That's why I'm using
However, version beta ask in some point for an installation that requires the administrator password. With this feature, I really will not be able to use anymore
Best regards.
Dear User!
"0" seeds and "0" peers usually mean that you're not connected directly to any of seeders and peers or you try downloading a "dead" torrent file. This doesn't depend on a program you use. Please, find more information about these processes in Internet, as for example, at the page,_seeds,_ … gnet_Links
Hey guys,
I was wondering if your service could help me to download torrents, but it seems my problem was different.
I am getting 0 seeds, 0 peers, whatever torrent client I am using. It is university network I am on, torrents are blocked here.
Could you advise me if there is a way to approach this program? I have tried smth with putty, but it did not work...
Many thanks!
Dear Users! Many thanks for your suggestion. We've added it to the list of our possible features.
Добавте функцию автовыключения после закачки, а за прогу спасибо!
autushutdown function please after download
SUPER! А по русски где бы пообщаться?
Thank team
I had finished my 2nd torrent file
great job bro
keep it up ^_^
Could you please specify your request? Have you tried to download the same torrent by using another one client? What browser do you use?
Thanx 4 ur service but I'm unable to use it neither the old version nor the new one
I tried torrents from many trackers but invain
I download exe file and run it but nothing occur
download is always at zero
plz help me
thanx in advance
& sorry 4 my english
Dear Torrent2exe users,
A torrent file itself contains nothing more than information about provided files, a tracker's address and some service data required for it to work in a BitTorrent network. Additional software is required to handle torrents files. Torrent2exe program was designed to make torrent files easily "downloadable".
When converting a torrent into an executable, we merge that torrent file with the Torrent2exe executable downloader. To make the resulting download as small as possible, we apply strong compression to the torrent file and the executable itself. This, probably, causes suspicion in some antivirus programs. To ensure the file is not infected, always check the files you download in various antivirus programs.
Happy downloading!
yannickbaud wrote:I'm french. Excuse-me for my english.
The old version was recognize as a virus when the beta version is appeared.
The beta version is better than the old. But now when I download a new program on for download e new file, norton recognize it as a virus "suspicioius MH690"
and the old version was not recognize as a virus.
Yes, I agree with you.

+ Norton Antivirus,Symantec Antivirus
Try scanning the downloaded file on-line: If the problem persists, run a thorough scan of your system. There is probably a virus that contaminates downloaded files.