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Topic review (newest first)


Dear User! Below are the answers to your questions:

1. The option "Enable DHT Network" is switched on by default. If it is enabled, the Torrent2exe can search for the same torrent file on the other trackers.

2. Torrent2exe includes both NAT-PMP and  UPnP port mapping options. You can also read more information about them in Wikipedia:

3. Unfortunately we can't understand the kernel of your question.
Torrent2exe as a usual torrent client interacts with other clients by using the torrent protocol. After the protocol is specified, it creates a session with other clients for the file exchange and a session with the torrent tracker for the load statistic exchange.

4. The Torrent2exe port is configurable. It can also be random. To view the settings, please, right-click on the Torrent2exe rocket  icon and go to Options which are as follows:

* Randomize on each start (checkbox)
The port can be selected randomly by start up: from 1024 to 65535.

* Port (edit box)
You can view the current value and edit it.

* Randomize (button)
You can assign  the random port by pressing this button.


  love this concept.  Could you please answer a few questions:

1.  what are the DHT and Peer Discovery/Exchange options compiled in the .exe?

2.  what are the uPnP and NAT port mapping options compiled?

3.  when a session is made what protocol/service is announced in session connection?

4.  is the torrent port static, random or configurable?


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