About Torrent2exe.com

You usually have to install a client on your PC to download files shared via BitTorrent. You'll do perfectly well without such client if you use Torrent2exe.com.

1. Have a site or blog? Publishing exe files on your site or blog makes downloading easy for visitors.

2. Add extra functionality to your torrent-related site. You can put direct links to these downloads together with links to the torrent files. The format of the URL is

http://torrent2exe.com/scripts/get_exe.php?url=site.com%2Ffile.tor rent where 'site.com%2Ffile.torrent' is the encoded URL of the torrent file.

You can use our special script which adds these links to a popup window. Just write
<script src="http://torrent2exe.com/js/links.js" type="text/javascript"></script> between <head> and </head> (you can upload this script to your server and correct the 'src' value). Move the mouse over this link to see the script in action.

3. Your friends still don't have any client program? Process torrents before sending them.

How does it work?

Now it is really simple to download data via the BitTorrent protocol with Torrent2exe.com.
1. Enter the torrent file URL or upload the intended torrent file to the server.
2. The download of the small program will start automatically.
3. This program will automatically do the rest of the job. After you launch the program, your data starts downloading.
4. Don't shut down the program after the download is complete. Leave it running for a couple of hours to seed the downloaded data. Thus the data will be transmitted to other users. Your access to other files can be denied if you don't allow other users to download data from your PC.


Program keeps running after having downloaded the data. It seeds the downloaded data for a couple of hours. Users can shut down the program at this stage. However, seeding is the default setting and the warning message will be displayed at the attempt to shut down the application.

Any questions?
